The Ghost of Warmth
The first theory (or rather, hypothesis) was that heat or warmth is a special substance capable of penetrating into any body. This substance was called “caloric” and was considered weightless and diffused throughout the matter, capable of “combining” with bodies, turning solid bodies into liquids and liquids into gases.

American microbiologists Donald Schaffner and Robyn Miranda conducted a meticulous study,
the results of which were published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology. The scientists alternately dropped pieces of watermelon, bread, bread with butter, and sticky, chewable sweets on common household surfaces: including stainless steel, tile, wood, and carpet, all of which were covered with the bacteria Enterobacter aerogenes, which is related to salmonella.

At the time of Christopher Columbus’ arrival to the South American continent, the Inca Empire stretched 4,300 miles, covering most of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, northern Chile, and Northwest Argentina – the longitudinal expanse of the Roman Empire.

Alternative periodic tables are tabulations of chemical elements differing significantly in their organization from the traditional depiction of the periodic system. Several have been devised, often purely for didactic reasons, as not all correlations between the chemical elements are effectively captured by the standard periodic table.

One of the most important differences between a man and an animal is man’s ability to make tools, which help make our lives better. Throughout human history, people have been perfecting the methods of toolmaking. We call this art technology. The simplest example of such technology is the knife. In ancient times our ancestors made them from stone, chipping away the excess parts from a larger piece.

People have long been searching for ways to make this difficult work easier. The first surviving description of simple mechanical harvesting came from the 1st century CE, written by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder. This harvesting was dubbed Gallic because it was used by the citizens of the Roman province Gaul. In contrast to modern reaping, the Gallic technique stripped the plants, harshly separating the grain from the stalks.

When you’re listening to your favorite song, it makes you happy. But why? It’s hard to say. Also, how can we understand how and why music appeared at all? The great English naturalist and author of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, wrote: “As neither the enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes is faculties of the least direct use to man in reference to his ordinary habits of life, they must be ranked among the most mysterious with which he is endowed.”
When the audience of your game exceeds the millions, you can be sure that big publishers will start to notice it. DotA was not a commercial project, and it was not possible to protect it from imitations, especially expensive and high-quality ones. Players started to leave.
The most important competitor was League of Legends. Do not forget, that DotA was still a mod for another game, and, therefore, had a number of drawbacks that LoL was spared from dealing with.